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杜克能源公司. 说是的 willing to sh是 some savings created by the recently passed federal tax plan as a part of the ongoing rate 最高法院审理的案件.C. Utilities Commission, cases in which the League has 干预以降低公用事业公司所寻求的增长. 的 Associated Press on Thursday reported that Duke informed rate-regulators that it would like to adjust its rate-hike requests to reflect the utility’s windfall under the federal tax law changes, but did not specify an amount. In testimony to the Utilities 上周五,一名公用事业费率分析师代表委员会作证 League said the Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) case for a rate increase was undermined by the substantial savings coming its way through reduced corporate 所得税. 的 utility is expected to benefit by $171 million to $210.5 这意味着DEC要求的税率将会降低 应调整6.47亿美元的增幅,以尽量减少对客户的影响。 said Wilmington-based analyst Brian Coughlan, as reported by the GreensboroNews & 记录. Coughlan's testimony was part of the League intervening in DEC's rate case before the Utilities Commission. 包括伯灵顿市经理哈丁·沃特金斯在内的365足彩下载成员也提交了意见书 关于利率上升对社区潜在影响的证词.
365足彩下载行动的目标是减轻联合国的财政负担 增加投资者拥有的公用事业的电费将带来 municipal governments served by the utilities. Increases in electricity rates 能否显著影响市政预算,特别是在这些城市和地区 城镇提供水和污水处理、街道等服务 lighting, traffic signals and recreational facilities. 365足彩下载也 干预了另一起由杜克能源公司提出的类似的提价案件 进步(DEP),在该州东部地区运作. 环保局,也 would benefit from the tax break, the News & 记录指出.
具体问题 杜克大学税率案中影响市政当局的因素包括 路灯转换为LED技术以及转换的相关费用. 12月已 建议将高压钠转换费用从54美元降低到 $40. 365足彩下载希望取消该费用,如果不能,允许延长 payments to better allow municipalities to absorb the costs. 国家研究 已经表明,街道照明可以作为一个主要的威慑犯罪,LED 照明也更节能,随着时间的推移节省DEC的资金. 整体 利率和提议的加息应该考虑到这样的负担 这一增长将由当地纳税人以及水和下水道公用事业的纳税人承担. 的 美联社(Associated Press)报道称,美国各地的公用事业监管机构表示.S. 是 考虑在联邦减税之后降低电费.
365足彩下载也 intervened in a 2013 此后,该公司一直与杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)联合召开会议 exploring the issues ​surrounding LED streetlight conversion. 在2008年的文件中 在目前的案件中,杜克大学承认了市政当局的费用 have slowed that conversion. 

​的 Census Bureau is conducting Boundary and Annexation Survey workshops in three locations across North Carolina in 2月ruary: Wilmington, 2月. 12; Durham, 2月. 13; and Charlotte, 2月. 14. 研讨会将概述2020年人口普查地理伙伴关系计划, 2018年BAS, 以及为完成BAS创建数字和纸质响应的演示. 注册, please RSVP by emailing your name, 电话号码, workshop location and BAS participation method type to 地理 请在2月5日前回复[插入城市,州]BAS研讨会.

正如包括本公报在内的媒体最近所报道的那样,美国正在采取行动.S. 最高法院同意对南达科他州诉. Wayfair, with a possible outcome being the allowance of state and local governments to require out-of-state retailers -- such as those making sales over the Internet -- to collect sales tax. 接下来会发生什么呢?? According to the National League of Cities (NLC), the State and Local Legal Center (SLLC), 在最高法院的案件中协助州和地方政府, will file an amicus brief due 2月. 与NLC和其他利益相关者的预期签约. Oral arguments 是 expected in late April, 虽然法院在这段时间的日程还不清楚. SLLC anticipates holding a webinar to go over the case and oral argument shortly after the fact. 1月的. 19联赛公报 提供了背景. 的 League’s membership supports​联邦电子公平行动,填补在线销售税漏洞, restore marketplace fairness for competing brick and mortar 业务es and create new revenue for state and local governments.

In his first State of the Union address, delivered Monday at the Capitol, President Trump called for a $1.5万亿美元的基础设施计划将在很大程度上取决于州和地方的资金, 但没有具体的地图来解释如何达到这个数字. “联邦政府的每一分钱都应该通过与州和地方政府合作来发挥作用, 在适当的地方, 利用私人部门投资——永久解决基础设施赤字问题," the president said in 他的演讲. 网点 including Route Fifty reported that officials with the administration had indicated a desire for a package built on $200 billion of direct federal spending over a decade, expanded to the $1 trillion mark with money from state and local governments and the private sector. 全国城市365足彩下载主席马克·斯托多拉是阿肯色州小石城的市长., acknowledged the need for a bold, 解决基础设施赤字的新计划(2016年与365足彩下载详细讨论) on the 市政方程 podcast). But Mayor Stodola also 表示担忧 with the Trump plan, noting that cities and towns 是 already straining to meet infrastructure needs. “城市领导人无法忽视我们国家老化的基础设施. 每一天, we’re forced to make emergency repairs and often have to raise additional funds where we’re able,斯托多拉市长说. "We 是 already leveraging every dollar available, and we need our federal partners to pay their sh是. 这就是我们为2050年建设的方式,而不是简单地解决1950年的问题." He added: "As cities work to address the aging physical infrastructure needs in communities across America, 我们必须同时投资于使这些项目成为可能的人力资本. We urge federal investment in programs that ensure a diverse and skilled workforce and prep是 people for the jobs of the future." NLC recently launched its Rebuild With Us campaign 呼吁国会与全国市政当局合作,以满足交通方面的需求, 水, Internet and other vital infrastructure. 的 organization also released a State of the Union breakdown​ of topics that matter to cities and towns.

政府. Roy Cooper on Thursday announced a new initiative called "Hometown Strong" that would involve partnerships with local governments "to support local economies, improve infrastructure, and strengthen rural communities,“根据一个 新闻稿 这使得农村地区的改善成为政府的首要任务. 政府ernor Cooper said partnerships between rural counties and Hometown Strong will be announced in the spring. “通过与当地政府领导人现有的和新的伙伴关系, 业务, non-profit organizations, the philanthropic community and others, Hometown Strong will seek to leverage state and local resources to help complete local development projects, convene conversations between state and local agencies, 确定能够促进农村社区繁荣的长期项目," the press release explained. Former state legislator Pryor Gibson of Wadesboro and former Department of Environmental Quality policy advisor Mary Penny Kelley of Spring Hope will lead the initiative.

福奎-瓦里纳镇正在“这里我们成长”,365足彩下载的中心 crowdsourced stories 显示了北卡罗来纳州的市政当局是如何将经济成功传播到整个州的. 的 Wake County town is racking up its presence at, where city officials can submit stories that show their local government's role in job expansions, 投资, partnerships and quality of life improvements. 这一次,是 the story of Aviator Brewing该公司正在福奎-瓦里纳扩张和招聘,这在一定程度上要归功于与镇政府的合作. "I would like to thank the Fuquay-Varina town board for believing in the long-term success we have planned for Aviator Brewing Company,” CEO Mark Doble says in the 我们在这里成长 piece submitted by the town. "We started our 业务 in an airplane hangar nearly 10 years ago and now we have grown to become one of the top craft breweries in the U.S. I appreciate the support and partnership of the town and look forward to working with the town on all our future endeavors.小镇经理亚当·米切尔表示,该公司的增长具有象征意义. "This significant expansion by Aviator Brewing Company demonstrates the importance of Fuquay-Varina’s support for our existing 业务es,米切尔说. "Continuing to support and strengthen the partnership with one of the community’s most dedicated 业务es is part of the town’s overall economic development model." Read how it came together at 你的城市或城镇有一个伟大的经济发展故事吗? 提交! If you need login credentials, send a request to, and get inspiration from the 城镇地图 that have already submitted.

更新后的, 2018 roster for National League of Cities (NLC) federal advocacy committees includes several names from North Carolina. Sanford City Council Member Sam Gaskins and Wilson City Council Member Derrick Creech have been named to NLC's advocacy committee on energy, environment and natural resource matters. Gaskins and Creech join Morrisville Mayor T.J. Cawley on that committee. "的 Energy, Environment & Natural Resources (EENR) Committee is responsible for developing policy positions on issues involving air quality, 水的质量, 能源政策, national wetlands policy, 噪声控制, and solid and hazardous waste management,NLC解释道。.
2018年NLC联邦倡导委员会名单上来自北卡罗来纳州的其他成员包括, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Committee) Lenoir Council Member Timothy Rohr; (Human Development Committee) Jacksonville Council Member Angelia Washington (Vice Chair), Charlotte Council Member LaWana Mayfield, Monroe Council Member Surluta Anthony and Greenville Mayor Pro Tem Rose Glover; (Transportation and Infrastructure Services Committee) Winston-Salem Council Member Dan Besse and Chapel Hill Council Member Ed Harrison; (Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee) Greenville Council Member Kandie Smith; and (Information Technology and Communications Committee) Lenoir Mayor Pro Tem Ben Willis. More information about NLC's committee roles is available at http://www.缴送
In other recent appointments,政府. Roy Cooper named Statesville Mayor Constantine Kutteh to the Mitchell Community College Board of Trustees. 自1989年以来,Kutteh一直是斯泰茨维尔市议会的成员. 政府ernor Cooper also appointed Wadesboro Town Council Member Fred Davis to the South Piedmont Community College Board of Trustees. Davis is the principal at Wadesboro Primary School.
智能城市委员会(鳞状细胞癌)宣布了其年度竞赛的决赛名单 2018 Readiness Challenge Grants, and Cary is one of nine national contenders. 3月, five will be selected for mentoring and "tailored products and services" to advance their smart-city efforts, 根据鳞状细胞癌, billed as the largest coalition of smart-city advocates. 入围者包括从洛杉矶到弗吉尼亚州的各市、县和州. “卡里”已经开始实施创新车库等倡议, the Innovation Analytics Lab, the Simulated Smart City Project and the One Cary platform. That platform will sh是 data between departments, provide better insights, and give citizens digital access to services and information," 鳞状细胞癌's list of finalists says. Grants and resource opportunities for smart-city applications in local government and public spaces 是 likely to grow in focus amid the global push for technological shifts and efficiencies. Cary discussed its smart-city initiatives with the League on an episode of its 市政方程 podcast 去年. 鳞状细胞癌 also awarded Puerto Rico a special grant​ 帮助其在飓风后的恢复,以及重建智能基础设施的想法.